Category - Blog

The truth about low calorie diets

Blog, Nutrition

You will be seeing them everywhere at this part of the year. Promises of four week transformations, 28 days to change your body. They will be marketed with progress photos. Where men and women have seemingly lost large…

The importance of rest


Are you taking enough time to rest? Both in between sets and in between workouts? Did you know that when you strength train, you create microscopic tears in your muscle tissues. It is when you are resting that…

My Top 3 Deadlift Cues


Deadlifting is an exercise that can seem daunting at first. There is lots of information out there including all the ways you can injure yourself.But fear not! I am here with my top 3 deadlift cues to get…

How to write your own training session


Made simple but effective! Writing your own workouts – it’s a tricky little world that seems confusing from the outside. But let’s strip everything back and keep it as simple as simple can be. Because sometimes simple is…


Blog, Nutrition

There are lots of powders and shakes and pills out there, it can get pretty confusing on what you should or shouldn’t be spending your money on and what may or may not be beneficial for you. So…

How much cardio?


So I know I bang on a whole heap about lifting weights and how you should definitely be doing it for a whole host of reasons (you should be doing it). I also harp on about how much…

Macros. Micros and Calories

Blog, Nutrition

I know, I know, so much jargon thrown around! And it can be super confusing when you are just trying to figure out what the hell you should actually be eating! So, let’s break it down.And hopefully make…

Weight and its range


Set Point Range Blog Did you know that your body has a weight range at which it loves to stick? So all those years you have been trying to shrink yourself, lose those last 10lbs, you have been…

Navigating Training in Winter

Blog, Uncategorized

So you’ve managed to start your fitness regime and keep it up for a few months. But in winter the real test arrives! The darkness draws in and your sofa, dressing gown and a hot chocolate are calling…

Health and fitness resolutions starting to slip?


New Year. New You?? How many times have you set yourself a New Year’s Resolution? This will be the year I (insert goal here) . Typical ones include the year I lose 3 stone. The year I get lean…
