Do You Want To Be A Personal Trainer?

We are now taking bookings for the next course

How Does The Course Run?

This is a personal training course with a total of 40 hours of face-to-face practical workshops, over ten weeks. So you will actually be working with a tutor. You’ll be able to ask questions and interact with the other members of your group. In addition, there is course work to be completed in between sessions. All your learning resources are provided through our specially-created student hub.

And as it is a part-time course, normally taught once a week, you can study around your other work or family commitments.

Nationally Recognised

The diploma is a nationally accepted qualification, validated by Focus Awards, recognised by OfqualCIMSPA, the Association of Independent Trainers and Thinktree Hub, the international professional organisation for the health and fitness industry. This means that you can get a job at any gym in the country or set up in your own business with total confidence.

After completing the qualification, you are guaranteed professional insurance so that the day you finish, you can start practising. Professional insurance starts from approximately £50 a year.

Contact us on for course dates and for more information.

A worthwhile career

A career as a personal trainer may be something you have considered but thought it was out of your reach – or you maybe have thought of escaping from the rat-race of nine-to-five working and setting up a business of your own.


Becoming a personal trainer is something that qualifies you for a very worthwhile career. It is very different from a “gym instructor” where you are merely on hand, often in a busy a gym, to do little more than clean treadmills and show people how to use machines Personal training couldn’t be more different. You have a client who you see on a weekly or more basis and you quite literally change their lives. You see them grow in confidence as their fitness improves and many personal trainers we know say that it actually doesn’t feel like work.

With the huge changes that are happening in our society at the moment, with the increasing stress that many people are experiencing in their everyday lives, achieving a good level of fitness is becoming more and more desirable. From being a minority interest only a few years ago, today the demand has increased massively.

So if ever there was a time to re-train and do something different, it is now.
