

Blog, Nutrition

There are lots of powders and shakes and pills out there, it can get pretty confusing on what you should or shouldn’t be spending your money on and what may or may not be beneficial for you. So…

How much cardio?


So I know I bang on a whole heap about lifting weights and how you should definitely be doing it for a whole host of reasons (you should be doing it). I also harp on about how much…

Macros. Micros and Calories

Blog, Nutrition

I know, I know, so much jargon thrown around! And it can be super confusing when you are just trying to figure out what the hell you should actually be eating! So, let’s break it down.And hopefully make…

Weight and its range


Set Point Range Blog Did you know that your body has a weight range at which it loves to stick? So all those years you have been trying to shrink yourself, lose those last 10lbs, you have been…

Navigating Training in Winter

Blog, Uncategorized

So you’ve managed to start your fitness regime and keep it up for a few months. But in winter the real test arrives! The darkness draws in and your sofa, dressing gown and a hot chocolate are calling…

Health and fitness resolutions starting to slip?


New Year. New You?? How many times have you set yourself a New Year’s Resolution? This will be the year I (insert goal here) . Typical ones include the year I lose 3 stone. The year I get lean…

The effects of diabetes on your training


As a type 1 diabetic, I have to check my blood sugar levels as regularly as I can. Before meal times. Before sleep. At least 2 hours before I drive anywhere. And especially if I train.  The reason…

3 things you need to stick to your fitness goals


Its tough when you first start right?! And sometimes even tougher when life gets in the way, progress slows down or stalls and you lose your new workout mojo. Has this happened to you? I can pretty much…

Why you aren’t seeing progress


The real reason you aren’t making progress So many people come to me with the goal of wanting to lose weight, get fitter, get stronger, get more toned! And so many people struggle. Have you found yourself wondering…

Meal Timings


Do you struggle to understand when you should be eating around your training? Wondering whether you should be training fasted or fed? Let’s break it down. Firstly, meal timing isn’t something you should be getting too hung up…
