
The Importance of Protein


Many people who are starting out on their fitness journey are not eating enough protein in their diet. They vastly underestimate how much they need and how much they are actually consuming. Protein is one of three macronutrients;…

Christmas Festivities


Over the festive period, people may worry about their goals. Should I track my food? Should I complete all my workouts? Will it ruin my progress if I miss a day? Listen up! It’s Christmas! It happens once…

Should I train when I am poorly?


When you are feeling under the weather it can easily become an excuse to miss a training session. However, this may not always be necessary. Suffering with a cold? Getting to the gym and doing a workout can…

Flexible Dieting


Flexible dieting is a way of eating that allows you to consume all the foods that you want. No food is off limits. It can be a great way to help people stick to a dieting phase where…

The Important of Sleep


The importance of SLEEP 😴. So many of us struggle with getting enough sleep each night. Work, kids, stress, training all take up so many hours of our day that we often forget to prioritise sleep. But, the…

Find your Motivation

Blog, Training

Being motivated to show up each day for your training session, to eat a balanced, healthy diet and to keep focusing on your goals is tough! Motivation plays a big role in allowing us to achieve, but motivation…

Goal Setting

Goal Setting

A goal is an observable and measurable end result. There may be one or more objectives which are usually completed in a fixed time scale. Having a goal allows you to channel your focus and resources towards an…

Understanding calories and weight loss

Weight Loss

Losing weight is actually a very simple concept. It’s difficult to achieve for a variety of reasons but the science behind it is simple nevertheless. If calories out exceed calories in, you will lose fat. If calories in…

The Importance of Stretching


Most gym goers overlook the importance of stretching, when in fact stretching should be considered part of the training session itself. Stretching has many benefits including: the reduction of muscle soreness, the prevention of injury, the release of…

Supplementing Creatine Monohydrate

nutrition, supplements, Training

Creatine is already present within the body, we absorb it from most animal products, predominantly meat products. The creatine is at its highest level in raw meat, when the meat is cooked the creatine level degrades, meaning that…